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I am looking for: Products

Finding technologies is what IGOR^AI was originally built for. With the functional search engine we can find all the technologies that perform a specific function. As IGOR^AI understands the relationship between a verb and a noun that together describe this function, e.g. ‘detect virus". This "funtional searching" allows us to find results from various fields that fulfill this function.

Products like devices, tools or machines ​contain technologies with a specific function. We can perform scouting projects to find all relevantproducts that can solve your R&D-challenge.

Example Case: Find Viral Diagnostic Tests

Intake sheet for the Viral Diagnostic Tests case

First part of the Midway Results table with selection tool votes for the Viral Diagnostic Test case

Technology Readiness Radar for the Viral Diagnostic Test case

In the early days of the corona pandemic, we used IGOR^AI to scout for all the diagnostic tests that had ever been described for diagnosing coronaviruses. A list of 26 tests was created of which ten were selected to perform a deep dive search on to assess the TRL, sensitivity, testing time and point-of-care application.


How does a Products ​case work?

During the intake meeting you together define the scope of the challenge, for which you want to find products.

After the intake meeting the Findest scout will focus on finding all relevant products for your challenge. The results will contain a short description and examples from literature.

In the midway meeting, we will discuss which results are relevant. You can then select 1-10 products for the deep dive scouting phase.

This second scouting phase will consist of elaborating the information of the selected products. A summary of the products is provided in a table containing three important aspects of your choice. Additionally, the platform outlines other specifications, TRL and suppliers of the products.

Findest's goal is to provide you the tools to select the most promising product ​for your challenge. On the IGOR^AI platform you can rapidly select, evaluate and share the results with the whole team.