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Findest works with R&D departments in innovative industries.
From innovation leaders to industry followers.

400+ companies have already worked with Findest!
50,000+ technologies scouted in over 2500 projects

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Fingrid about working
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Marcin Pohjanpalo and Jussi Matilainen at Finnish
electricity grid operator Fingrid Oyj shared their
experience with IGORAI!

“This is one of the first applications
to really demonstrate how artificial
intelligence could help knowledge
workers in the future”

​Fingrid magazine reports on how the team led by Marcin challenged IGOR^AI to find out how they could increase the transmission capacity or eliminate bottlenecks. 38 technologies were scouted, the best 9 were selected, and “the results are still under examination, but it is possible to say that IGOR identified some truly impressive technologies.”

See the full story on page 18 and 19 of Fingrid magazine.


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Scouting Service

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to the Findest technology

Advanced IGOR^AI 

Get complete control over the scope, search strategy, and share knowledge with colleagues and internal customers.

IGOR^AI Access

Continue searching after collaborating the the Findest technology scouts in the Service.